JMF 2018 Awards
December 12, 2018
New York, NY—December 12, 2018—The Joan Mitchell Foundation today announced the 2018 recipients of its annual Painters & Sculptors Grants, which provide 25 artists with $25,000 each in unrestricted funds. The unrestricted nature of the grants aligns with artist Joan Mitchell’s recognition that having the time and freedom to create is as important to the development of one’s practice as support for specific endeavors. As such, the Foundation, whose mission was set forth in Mitchell’s will, remains committed to providing artists with the flexibility to determine how best to use the grants to advance their careers. Their work represents a wide range of artistic techniques, approaches, and concerns, and engages with such pressing issues as migration, identity, notions of belonging, and representation within the art historical canon and in social and political spheres, among other important subjects. The final selections for the grants are made with a particular eye toward artists whose work has contributed to important artistic and cultural discourse, but who have nonetheless remained under-recognized on a national level.
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Ellies Creator Award
October 2, 2018

The Ellies Creator Awards support working artists with grants of $2,500 to $25000 to realize a significant visual arts project that will advance their careers ArtCenter is looking for bold ideas that speak to our community and our times. These awards are open to all Miami Dade artists.
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Jameco Exchange -No Longer Empty Opening: Saturday, May 21, 12-6pm
May 21, 2016
Jameco Exchange
No Longer Empty is pleased to present Jameco Exchange, a site-responsive exhibition and socially engaged education platform that revolves around the art of storytelling about a place: Jamaica, Queens. Featuring artworks and performances informed by Jamaica’s global urban setting, Jameco Exchange is inspired by the retail vernacular of the two-story storefront and the cobblestone pedestrian mall in which it is situated, the social culture of Jamaica Avenue, and the histories of Jamaica, Queens, through the lens of collective narrative.
Opening: Saturday, May 21, 12-6pm
Performances: Hector Canonge at 1pm and African Diva at 2pm
Hours: Saturday, May 21 – Sunday, July 17; Thursday – Sunday, 12 – 6pm
Location: 89-62B 165th St. (between Jamaica and 89th Ave.), Jamaica, Queens
Directions: E, J, Z to the last stop at Jamaica Center; F to Parsons Blvd; LIRR to Jamaica Station
Artists & Projects: Ibrahim Ahmed / Sol Aramendi / Kahiem Archer / Gabrielle Bendiner-Viani / Jane Benson / Hector Canonge / Carolina Caycedo / Stephanie Davis / Diego de la Vega Coffee Co-op (Gabriela Ceja + Fran Ilich) / Nicolás Dumit Estévez Raful / Nicholas Fraser / Rico Gatson / Kimsooja, Local Project / Azikiwe Mohammed / Odathrowback / Antonia A. Perez / Calo Rosa / Juana Valdes / Mary A. Valverde / Margaret Rose Vendryes / Ezra Wube / Addam Yekutieli
| Tags: Jamaica Avenue, Jamaica Queens, Jameco Exchange, No Longer Empty
The 8th Floor, Guttenberg Arts, and POWarts “Women in Print: Latin America”
May 19, 2016
Artists & Curators talk on “Prints” Thurs. May 19, 2016

Panelist: Rocío Aranda-Alvarado of El Museo del Barrio, Christina De León of Visual Arts at Americas Society, and artists Juana Valdes.

Panelist: Dr. Iria Candela of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Christina De León of Visual Arts at Americas Society, and artists Joiri Minaya Féliz and Juana Valdes.
| Tags: Artist in Residence, Christina De León, Dr. Iria Candela, Joiri Minaya, Juana Valdes, Latin American Art, print, PrintmakingGuttenberg Arts, Rocio Aranda-Alvarado
Miami Herald: Cuban artists discover new worlds in Miami visit
April 28, 2016
April was amazing!

Cuban artists Felipe Dulzaides (left) and Yornel Martínez with Miami artist Juana Valdés in her studio
The last two weeks of April were spent in a euphoric experience shared with a group of artists, curators, and art historians participating in a Miami/Cuba cultural exchange project. Dialogues in Cuban Art project brings 15 Cuban artists and curators to Miami. The program aims to bring Cuban and Miami art worlds together ten-day visit culminates in symposium at PAMM Thursday and Friday.
This article written by Jordan Levin from the Miami Herald and video by Pedro Portal brings an insight to the over arching goals of the project as the at the artist share studio visits and tour of Miami cultural institutions and landmakrs of the exile Cuban community. It has been an amazing experience and would like to share it following like are to article, audio and social sites to follow the project as it prepares for the next stage exhibitions to come.
Read more in the Miami Herald here: Cuban artists discover new worlds in Miami visit
Hecho en Miami o en Cuba, el arte cubano es uno solo, by Lizandra Diaz Blanco for Marti Noticias Article and interview in Spanish/ en Español.
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| Tags: cuban art, jameco, printmaking, women in print
Dialogues in Cuban Art – 2 Day Symposium PAMM Auditorium April 28-29 from 11:00am-7pm
April 28, 2016
Dialogues in Cuban Art is a two day symposium that explores the intellectual exchanges between Cuban and Cuban-American artists, curators and cultural workers from Havana and Miami. Some of the ideas guiding this convening will investigate emergent transnational relations between Cuban and Cuban American artists; explore an understanding of Cuban art beyond nation and diaspora; and address how opportunities for mutual understanding shape and inform cultural production. All three panel discussions will be simultaneously interpreted from English to Spanish.
PAMM Auditorium April 28-29 from 11:00am-7pm
Space is limited (first come, first seated)
Free with museum admission
Open to the public
Pérez Art Museum Miami
1103 Biscayne Blvd.
Miami, FL 33132
Cuban Art News “Reflections and inflections on a continuing conversation.” by Janet Batet
“Examining the Art Scene in Cuba from New York’s Perspective- AICA International
April 27, 2016
“Examining the Art Scene in Cuba from New York’s Perspective: A Discussion in Anticipation of the XLIX Congress of AICA International.”
Organized by AICA International and the Shelley & Donald Rubin Foundation, the panel will address issues related to the current state of art and art criticism in Cuba in the context of ongoing changes in that country, and consider its expanding cultural exchange with the United States and other countries.
The panelists include Holly Block, Executive Director of the Bronx Museum, Sean Kelly, owner of Sean Kelly Gallery in New York, Carole Rosenberg, President of the American Friends of the Ludwig Foundation of Cuba, and Juana Valdes, a Cuban-born multidisciplinary artist. The President of AICA International Marek Bartelik and the Co-Executive Editor of ARTnews Barbara MacAdam will moderate.
The 8th Floor, 17 West 17th Street, New York, NY.
Group Exhibition at elmuseo@SVA
January 18, 2016
A very nice way to start the new year! I have this new piece, “Single Drawn Line” in a group exhibition at the SVA gallery curated by Rocio Aranda-Alvarado.
Hope to see you there!
elmuseo@SVA |
An exhibition of work by latino MFA Fine Arts alumni.
Curated by Rocío Aranda-Alvarado of El Museo del Barrio
January 16 – February 20, 2016
Reception: Thursday, January 21 6:00 – 8:00pm
SVA Chelsea Gallery,
601 West 26th Street, 15th floor, New York, NY. 10001
With work by Manuel Acevedo and MFA Fine Arts alumni Soledad Arias (2002), Vladimir Cybil Charlier (1993), Guido Garaycochea (2015), Alejandro Guzman (2009), Erik Guzman (2003), Elisabeth Jobim (1992),Elan Jurado (2012), Cynthia Rojas (2003), Diana Santiago (2008), K.C. Tidemand (2015), Denise Treizman(2013) and Juana Valdes (1993).
elmuseo@SVA represents a coming together of two New York institutions: El Museo del Barrio and the School of Visual Arts. Founded by artist Raphael Montanez Ortiz and local activists, parents and teachers in East Harlem, El Museo del Barrio’s original mission was to support the art and culture of Puerto Rico. By the early 1970s that mission expanded to include all of Latin America and Latino communities in the Unites States. The work on view in the exhibition explores the aesthetic and thematic affinities of these different but like-minded communities. In the words of curator Aranda-Alvarado: “At various stages of their careers, the artists in the show act as contemporary anthropologists gathering objects or inspiration from the urban landscape, engaging with issues around migration and the body, exploring space and architecture, tradition and craft.”
Reception co-sponsored by El Museo del Barrio, and will include a raffle of exhibition catalogs provided by the museum and SVA Galleries.
There will be a panel discussion in the gallery with curator Rocio Aranda-Avaradoand artists Manuel Acevedo, K.C. Tidemand, Denise Treizman and Alejandro Guzman on Tuesday, February 16 from 6-7:30pm.
Exhibiting in Miami during ArtBasel
November 30, 2015
Parsons Hosts Pop Up Print Shop and Shop
November 5, 2015
If you are in New York for Print Week November 4 – 8, 2015 I have print work in the following events.
Parsons Hosts Pop Up Print Shop and Shop |